Friday, May 25, 2012

Garden in! (almost)

Rhett is all about growing some of our own food in an effort to become more self-reliant. Years ago he rototilled the flower garden (the day before I had an outdoor party!) that the previous owner had put in and nurtured to a glorious splendor, and this year he rototilled up a fence-side strip of garden.

Earlier this spring he put the cold weather "crops" in: radishes, broccoli, and green onions.
We've already harvested some of the radishes (seen above on the left).  Big radishes!

Earlier this week, for Family Home Evening, we planted most of the tomatoes.

BonnieBlue loves watering; so far, the only thing about gardening she likes, other than digging for "treasures" in the dirt.

Below are the plants we started with at the beginning of the evening.
After planting the tomatoes, Rhett put in the green peppers. He also put in those plants at the back/top of the picture, but for the life of me I cannot remember what they are. I think more broccoli. I still haven't gotten my geraniums in around front, but I will do that soon.

Here's a view of our garden from the back door before Rhett put in the green peppers. Off to the right, he is going to plant green beans, both pole and bush.
There will be quite a lot of beans and tomatoes this summer! Our intention is to do a bit of canning. I really want to can salsa, but also stewed tomatoes and, of course, green beans.


  1. Looking good! Gardens are a LOT of work. I can't handle it.....

  2. Nothing like a tomato fresh from the garden, though!


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